Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


June CleaverImage via Wikipedia
This past Saturday, Barbara Billingsley passed away at the age of 94. For those of you scratching your heads but acquainted with 1950s television, Billingsley played the ever-gracious and loving, hearth-and-home mother June Cleaver in the classic sitcom "Leave It to Beaver." The show, a hit that ran from 1957 to 1963, is a true slice of Americana. It entertained audiences with the innocent mischief-making and misadventures of its main character, Theodore Cleaver (played by Jerry Mathers), an endearing boy who went by the nickname “Beaver.” With his mother, June; his brother, Wally (Tony Dow); and his father, Ward (Hugh Beaumont), they were the ideal American family.
And, as Internet postings attest, June Cleaver was the mother so many young fans wanted to have. Always loving, kind, and patient, she was truly the heart of her home.
To Billingsley’s credit, it appears this was more than just an on-screen persona, too. Said her son Glenn Billingsley, “She was every bit as nurturing, classy, and lovely as 'June Cleaver' and we were so proud to share her with the world.” As for her younger on-screen son, now 62-year-old Jerry Mathers, he called her a “dear friend” and said, “Barbara was a patient advisor and teacher. She helped me along this challenging journey through life by showing me the importance of manners and respect for others.”
And, really, it can be said that Leave it to Beaver (LITB) did this for its audience. The show was one of the last examples of what I would call “virtue television,” something that, sadly, has been transformed from the default to dead genre. Unlike today’s sitcom fare, there was no sexual innuendo; the 12-year-old boys still found girls “icky” (as opposed to being little Casanovas); and Hollywood hadn’t yet been overcome by the strange notion that sassy, wise-cracking brats are somehow cute. Why, even the show’s bad boy, the self-serving, unctuous Eddie Haskell (Ken Osmond), knew enough to be respectful around adults. (Point of interest: Osmond became a motorcycle cop in Los Angeles in 1970 and was shot three times while trying to apprehend a car thief; he was saved by his bulletproof vest and belt buckle.)
It also was the time before the feminist anti-sex-stereotyping police, when traditional sex roles were still reflexively portrayed and fathers weren’t cast as buffoons (strangely, this consistent attempt to negatively stereotype men is accepted today). Thus, June was the very picture of femininity, and, while I don’t know if everybody really loves Raymond, everyone respected Ward. He was the head of his household and a strong, virtuous father who would often impart life lessons to his sons with well-timed words of wisdom.
It is these qualities, as much as anything else, that explain LITB’s enduring appeal. Billingsley remarked later in life how surprised she was that people would still write and tell her that they watch the show with their children and grandchildren. But it’s no surprise. The show is well-written; Beaver possessed the commodity of cute in copious amounts; he and his brother had genuine chemistry; Haskell was America’s favorite rascal; Billingsley and Beaumont were parents to die for; and, of course, there is the nostalgia factor. Yet all that would mean nothing if LITB were not virtue television. You don’t have to worry about the show molesting your children’s minds. You can watch it and retreat into a simpler, more wholesome time — into the America we left behind.
And some would say an America that never existed. One of these people is Stephen Talbot, who played tow-headed troublemaker Gilbert Bates on the show. Talbot’s character was one who would seduce the gullible Beaver into committing some childish transgression and then sometimes leave his friend holding the bag. And, ironically, it seems Talbot is a troublemaker off-screen as well. He went on to become a long-haired leftist who protested the arrest of Black Panther Bobby Seale in 1970 and today is a short-haired leftist who protests against his old show.
Ashamed and self-conscious about his association with a series that, as Talbot put it, has “obvious white-bread limitations,” he took pains in this Salon piece to let the world know he’s far too enlightened to share the unqualified affection for LITB of many of his fellow baby-boomers. He attributes the show’s popularity partially to boomers being “a narcissistic, self-referential, TV generation,” calls Ward’s fatherly counsel “paternal homilies” and mentions the “rigid sex roles of the '50s.” (I suppose we’re better off today, with boys who want to attend school as girls and use the girls’ bathroom.)
Talbot also says that LITB’s image of suburban prosperity “wasn’t reality.” But while this view is now common, it’s also a silly criticism. Of course it’s not reality — it’s a television show. But is it any less realistic than today’s politically-correct fare, with its masculinized portrayals of women and leftist themes? Or, is so-called “reality television” — in which the “real” people act for the cameras — somehow preferable?
In fact, LITB is certainly preferable to America’s new reality, one in which, as Talbot says himself, parents raise children “in a less secure, divorce-prone, sometimes violent world.” Of course, this is an admission that there was an old reality. It was a time when the family was intact, the out-of-wedlock birthrate was low, and the biggest problems in school were chewing gum and running in the hallways. And, given that this is largely what LITB reflected, how unrealistic was it, really? (Also ask yourself, is there any connection between today’s moral decay and a world view that rejects virtue?)
More significantly, though, artists who lament the “unreality” of virtue television not only know little about reality, they know even less about art. They remind me of those hip-hop-glop apologists who will defend rap music by saying, “They [rappers] are just telling you what’s going on out there” (yippee! It’s realistic!). But this is hardly an excuse for peddling cultural poison. Something whose overriding purpose is to tell you “what’s going on out there” isn’t called art but something else.
Yet art’s sole purpose isn’t merely to entertain, either. After all, this exclusive goal would justify everything from pornography to snuff films to the Roman arena. The truth is that the highest purpose of art is to uplift, a quality that in modern times is known as the possession of “redeeming social value.” And is this disputable? Of what good is art if it titillates but degrades? So many people miss the point: It is not that America completely measured up to LITB’s yardstick of virtue. It is that, once upon a time, America knew that such yardsticks were worth striving for.
Recently I watched a most beautiful example of virtue television, the 1937 film Captains Courageous. It’s a story about love and redemption, and it touches me deeply. And it underlines the power of art. Such works, by modeling virtue and showcasing its beauty, can make us want that beauty ourselves. Just as you now see saggy-bottomed rural teens dressed as gang bangers owing to rap’s influence, art can uplift us, too.
And we could use a lift today. However close we were to Leave it to Beaver in the 1950s, what is for sure is that such an America no longer exists in 2010. So here’s praying that Barbara Billingsley may rest in peace — and that the land she helped portray may rise again.
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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oprah's Lost Soul

It's a real shame that this woman is headed straight for hell.
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Thursday, September 23, 2010




Friday, August 13, 2010

America. . . Are You Listening?

Hear this, America...
World Trade Center Attack

"Therefore I bring charges against you again," declares the LORD.

"And I will bring charges against your children's children. Cross over to the coasts of Kittim and look, send to Kedar and observe closely; see if there has ever been anything like this: Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods at all.)

But my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols.

Be appalled at this, O heavens, and shudder with great horror," declares the LORD.
"My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water." [Jeremiah 2:9-13]
The situation in America today is similar and deteriorating rapidly. Your churches are weak and vacillating - few take seriously the Word of God. You take from Scripture what you feel comfortable with - that which fits your preconceived ideas, and ignore the rest.

But, be warned,
Wherever the Word of God is hidden or ignored, there will be certain destruction.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.
A man reaps what he sows. [Galatians 6:7]
Partly because the priests in Israel had failed to teach God's Word to the people, Israel suffered. There was no faithfulness, no love, and no acknowledgment of God in the land. Rather there was only cursing, lying, murder, stealing and adultery.

Like in ancient Israel, America today is guilty of forsaking God and attempting to create your own paths to heaven with broken cisterns. Few of you know what truth is anymore, replacing fact with feeling on the altar of relativism and ridiculing anyone who claims to have truth. When presented with truth, you naysayers throw up your arms and refuse to even listen anymore.
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.” [John 3:19-21]
As most Americans are now living in darkness and refuse the truth, their consciences have been seared and like the brazen prostitute; they refuse to blush with shame.
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. [Isaiah 5:20]

Silence is NOT Golden

God tells us in Psalm 50 that He will not tolerate hypocrisy and will judge the wicked. There is a day of reckoning coming. When we remain silent about the evil in our society, we are in effect joining the wickedness and are as guilty as the perpetrators of the crime (see v. 18).
But to the wicked, God says: “What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you. When you see a thief, you join with him; you throw in your lot with adulterers. You use your mouth for evil and harness your tongue to deceit. You speak continually against your brother and slander your own mother's son. These things you have done and I kept silent; you thought I was altogether like you. But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face. [Psalm 50:16-21]
"Hypocrisy is wickedness, which God will judge. And it is too common, for those who declare the Lord's statutes to others, to live in disobedience to them themselves. This delusion arises from the abuse of God's long-suffering, and a wilful mistake of his character and the intention of his gospel. The sins of sinners will be fully proved on them in the judgment of the great day." [Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary]
When thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers. [Pslam 50:18 KJV]
If consenting with or agreeing with the thief is wicked, how much more wicked is it to support and defend unbiblical laws?
  • How can the Christian "give to Caesar what is Caesar’s (income taxes), and withhold from God what is God’s (tithe),” and yet claim to be without sin?
  • How can the Christian consent to the thieves (U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve, and International Banks) stealing their wealth and the wealth of their children by putting their money in godless banks and using their usurious credit cards to buy things?
  • How can the Christian continue to accept counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes (your dollars) in violation of Leviticus 19:35-36 and Deuteronomy 25:13 -16, and Article I of the U.S. Constitution and believe they will not suffer poverty?
  • How can the Christian vote for politicians or support laws that promote same sex marriage and believe they are not equally in violation of God's laws regarding homosexuality?
  • How can the Christian permit abortion to be provided in their cities and not know they are partakers with murderers?
  • How can American Christians stand by as our country's Godly heritage is destroyed by godless collectivists and not understand they are being sold into slavery and will suffer the consequences?
  • How can Christians abide by the 10 Planks of Communism while disregarding the 10 Commandments and not expect the judgement of God?
Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. [Romans 1:32]
It is time, indeed past time, for Christians to stand up and resist the satanic tyranny leading many to destruction. You must not remain silent any longer! Neutrality is synonymous with consent and will be judged by God.
The satanic inspired lie of "Tolerance" - where God's Word is not proclaimed because people fear insulting or offending others has so infiltrated America today that few people even recognize the destructive results that inevitably follow.
If you're one who has redefined sin using the tolerance yardstick, I guarantee you won't like what you read here. You will likely be offended by what you believe to be a narrow-minded, hate-filled, and intolerant viewpoint.

Praise God! That means your conscience may still be intact.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. [2 Chronicles 7:14]Bible Prophecy | Christian Apologetics at the Jeremiah Project

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